The Construction of Personal Identities Online

"Who are you online?" is a question that resonates with this blog, so I will be very curious about the results of this research, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and aimed at forming a conceptual understanding of individual and group identity and the ethical implications of being "a responsible informational agent online".

  • fabio |

    @Enrico: I’d better leave the question of who one is – offline – to writers and philosophers, as you suggest. In this blog, I’m trying to understand how the offline ego is mapped online. And thanks for suggesting Pirandello, it’s a very good idea…

  • Enrico |

    The real question is: who am I (into and outside the net)…. 😉 Hurrey for Pirandello!

  • Lina |

    look.. when I become nevrastenic I can do everything !!!!
    compliments for your blog..

  • Lina |

    olà fabio..
    why a so complicated blog ?
    now I will become ungry (si scrive cosi?) if I don’t look for my comment !!

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