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  • Tweetburger

    Last week, the food giant McDonald launched a media campaigns on Twitter, inviting the public to share 140-letters-long stories about their experience with the restaurants, the food, the brand or whatever. After...

  • Fabbricare idee

    Può l'innovazione nascere da un processo formale? "Vivi come un borghese, in modo da poter essere rivoluzionario quando scrivi." Tra i tanti aforismi attribuiti a Gustave Flaubert, questo è a mio avviso...

  • Doodle power

    I have never seen so many articles on Jorge Luis Borges' birthday as this year, when Google decided to honor the day by displaying a dedicated logo. Yet, made by Google - whose search text field could...

  • The Art of Podcasts

    Podcasts are practical, but could their specificity be turned into opportunity for artistic expression? Everyday Moments: audio drama for private performance In collaboration with theatre producers Fuel,...

  • The Singularity is near

    But not in the way Ray Kurzweil means it, in his foretelling of machines that become more intelligent than humans and therefore take the lead in all fields of human development. It is rather in a geographical...

  • All Roads Lead to Rome

    I found a curious little game to be played on Wikipedia, on the alternate text of a recent xkcd.com comic. It is rather simple: choose a random page on Wikipedia, and click on the first link in the article...

  • Are you self-search-aware?

    Is it possible to remain invisible to the web? Once upon a time, having an online profile was rather complex. The traces one could have left behind were some entries in the archives of a mailing list or...

  • Random beauty

    It was so beautiful that I could not help fixing it in all its ephemeral quality, as a combination that could be washed away any minute by any of one thousand different factors. I'm not speaking about...