Expired online identity
Does the whole concept of online identity make any sense after its owner is passed out? Well, of course - as long as we consider authored content, as it's always been with analogic cultural and artistic manufacts...
Does the whole concept of online identity make any sense after its owner is passed out? Well, of course - as long as we consider authored content, as it's always been with analogic cultural and artistic manufacts...
Massimo Mantellini points out the disappointing approach followed by PD (the Italian Democratic Party) in the license agreement with users contributing to their soon-to-be-launched web TV: PD will have...
A sculpture representing a crucified frog, on display at a museum in Bolzano, has been strongly criticized by the President of the Regional Council, who required its removal and obtained support to his...
Last June, the Internet Access Task Force of the US Federal Trade Commission issued a report, summarizing their findings on the subject of network neutrality (the principle that obliges the telecommunication companies...