Singing eBook
My original stance about eBooks was that it might be a great way to save us from the burden of useless paper, so welcome electronically distributed newspapers: but please don't mess with the relationship...
My original stance about eBooks was that it might be a great way to save us from the burden of useless paper, so welcome electronically distributed newspapers: but please don't mess with the relationship...
As a consequence of the new regulations about public schools promoted by the Education Ministry, adopted textbooks will have to remain valid for at least 5 years - this should enable used books exchanges...
It took me an unusually long time from decision (read a Murakami book) to execution, probably because I wasn't able to decide from where to start (which book?) - but, at last, the review on the cover did...
Lynda Gratton, Professor of Management Practice at London Business School, presented today her latest successful book "Hot Spots" on the Generali Island in Second Life. Lynda Gratton is...
I always took for granted that, if reading a book review on a newspaper, I could rely on the journalist and his measure in finding the right balance between what is worth saying about the synopsis, and...
Everybody may know the fate awaiting Harry Potter, and this time it doesn't look as an empty claim. There's a 72Mb PDF out there, all it takes is an obvious Google search and some tolerance for low quality...
Ora mi metto nei guai: devo dire la mia sul caso "Nokia/Domiziana Giordano". Parto da lontano. Pur non essendo un critico letterario (notate la finezza dell'argomentazione? mi sbilancio io stesso...