Singing eBook

My original stance about eBooks was that it might be a great way to save us from the burden of useless paper, so welcome electronically distributed newspapers: but please don't mess with the relationship between me and my books. As Borges said

My books (which do not know that I exist)

and that's exactly how I want them to be: inert instruments allowing my imagination to be ignited and, at the same time, impersonal storage devices for someone else's fantasies. Sleeping knowledge, waiting to be unleashed, embedded in a magical device.

Then, in an unexpected way, it all begins to make sense: a novel with its own soundtrack, coming from one of my favourite musicians: Nick Cave's
new novel The Death of Bunny Munro will be released in digital format through the iPhone App Store.

Not enough for making me want an iPhone, but definitely so for reconsidering my opinion about digital books. As Sam Leith puts it on the Guardian:

the book itself […] will become more plural, more blurred, and less monolithically booky

  • TRX |

    To the last point on people giving up paperbacks for ebooks faster than giving up hardbacks for ebooks I think that makes perfect sense. I still want to have hardback copies of certain books, particularly non-fiction, religion and biographies on my shelves. But I have no desire to fill my shelves and take up space with random fiction paperbacks that I would probably have given away when I finished anyway.Miscellaneous

  • Alex Roe |

    A singing ebook? Interesting, Fabio.
    Looks as though the traditional, static, book is about to get a facelift.
    I still have not tried an ebook reader yet. Have you? I’m quite a fan of ebooks, but am not yet convinced that they are as easy to read as the traditional paper and ink variety.
    I’ve been using an edictionary for a few years now, and love it! No more hauling around huge and heavy ‘normal’ dictionaries!

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