Schoolbooks made to last

As a consequence of the new regulations about public schools promoted by the Education Ministry, adopted textbooks will have to remain valid for at least 5 years – this should enable used books exchanges and markets, thus limiting expenses for families with children attending secondary schools (a complete set of school books costs hundreds of Euros).

This also means that online services like textbookrevolt might become relevant to Italian students, making exchanges possible on a wider scale and in remote locations and maybe enhancing brilliant initiatives that are being carried out locally: as my school was already doing 20 years ago – and keeping up the good job

[image by loimere, from]

  • Fabio |

    There is indeed truth in pointing out the fact that a professor requiring a textbook does not need to worry about its cost – just like a doctor prescribing a medication. And, as schoolbooks are often collectively written (the only difference being a closed partnership model…) I would not bet on the dogmatic immutability of “the autorship model”.

  • LivePaola |

    The NYT writes today about more creative ways to disrupt the textbook industry:

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