Serious Games contest

Can videogames be serious? Whosegame (by is a publishing and sharing site for user-made videogames and they are running an interesting experiment about "Serious Games" (or, as Ian Bogost calls them, games with an agenda).

The experiment takes the form of a contest, in which users are requested to create a game on a specific subject to be chosen among 3 proposals:

  1. improve your knowledge in the telecommunications field;
  2. be an eco-citizen with the help of telecommunications;
  3. acting against isolation and exclusion thanks to telecommunications.

In order to make the contest more accessible to non-developers and maximize the amount of ideas that can be thrown into it, whosegame provides a platform game rapid development tool.

Creating a platform game that conveys such messages is a challenge, but it might be worth a try. What about setting up a collective initiative to create a simple game (and then, just in case, send the prize to an NGO or a charity)?

What's needed? Ideas for gameplay, concept
development, graphics (main character and
NPCs, scenery,…), level construction and time to spend on the platform… Leave a comment with your preferred subject (among the 3 listed above) and if we reach critical mass, then I'll set up a NovaPage for the project and invite you on board.