Singing eBook
My original stance about eBooks was that it might be a great way to save us from the burden of useless paper, so welcome electronically distributed newspapers: but please don't mess with the relationship...
My original stance about eBooks was that it might be a great way to save us from the burden of useless paper, so welcome electronically distributed newspapers: but please don't mess with the relationship...
Will videogames play a role in the Id web, as one of the factors that contribute to the definition of a personal online identity? Or, reframing the question, how could users add their "gamer"...
Playing rugby under the rain has proven too much for me - even if under the guidance of John Kirwan - so this morning I had to give up my session at the Euregio Mittel Media event. The slides alone d0...
I have just finished watching a few minutes of the 2008 Eurovision song contest, hosted by Serbia (having won the last edition with Marija Šerifović's Molitva). As the Museum of Broadcast Communication...
The BlogBabel service has been closed down (hopefully temporarily) by its authors last Saturday, following an animated controversy which was originated by the decision to alter the ranking algorithm, lessening...
The law proposal S1861, approved by the Italian Senate, allows free publishing on the web for images and music, provided that they are in low resolution or degraded, for scientific or educational purposes...
German NDR public television is beginning an experiment to release its shows with a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license. This basically means that you are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform...
Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine, is right: the music industry is not in trouble. It is just CD sales that are down: everything else, from concerts to ringtones to licensing for commercials,is...
Last June, the Internet Access Task Force of the US Federal Trade Commission issued a report, summarizing their findings on the subject of network neutrality (the principle that obliges the telecommunication companies...
I think Vincenzo Scuccimarra has nailed it: as long as you seek amusement, entertainment and thought-provoking experiences, you need to be somehow detached from yourself and taken somewhere else, where...