Virtual property

Apparently boring news today:

Linden Research, Inc., Philip Rosedale, and Marc Bragg have agreed to
settle the “Bragg v. Linden and Rosedale” lawsuit currently pending in
the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

(from the official Linden Lab blog)

There has been a lot of attention upon the issue, mostly because it could have set a legal precedent on the subject of virtual property. This would have a major impact, not only on Second Life but on all different kinds of virtual environments – even gaming-centered ones such as World of Warcraft, since all creations (images, videos, stories) made by fans will potentially fall within this range of legal issues (and, by the way, the Linden Lab terms of service are among the most liberal ones I’ve come across…).

The whole story has been covered and analyzed in depth by Virtually Blind, an amazingly interesting blog covering legal news, issues, and events that impact virtual worlds.