New humanism

I remember, a long time ago, being horrified by the proclaim made by Silvio Berlusconi that the new, reformed school would put a lot of emphasis on the famous three ‘i’s: English, Informatics, Enterprise. Nothing against English, as you may imagine, but I could not help making silly jokes about child labor. Most of all, I was earnestly worried about the way technology would get an edge over science.

In view of this, I am not against the tiny, cautious reform announced by Beppe Fioroni (Ministry of Education) and I am glad to hear him say that one of the reasons for it is that "Informatics used to bypass (sic) Mathematics".
I just hope that the label "new humanism", already brandished by L’Unità, will not become the manifesto for the umpteenth step toward giving even less importance to scientific education. I hate to agree with Piergiorgio Odifreddi, but he is right in saying that it is not simply a matter of going back to something that worked before the Moratti reform: because it didn’t.