V-Day reactions

Maybe it is depressing that the most relevant political event in these last weeks was driven by a comedian. It is curious indeed that the most profound political analysis of the same event has been written by another comedian.

Fortunately, the funniest one is in its proper place.

  • Fabio |

    Well, P@ola, I agree with Guido about that paragraph being the most relevant one. I do not think it literally means that anybody is actively doing anything to repress and subdue collective action. But it is beyond doubt that something is broken in the way the voter is represented by the politician he contributed to appoint, while the representative system should be the natural way to convey one’s values, beliefs and ambitions into collective, political action. “Negation” refers, in my opinion, to the failure of this mission.

  • P@ola |

    Scusa Guido mi puoi fare un esempio su come – di fatto – Lo Stato ed il Mercato neghino la diemnsione collettiva ?

  • Guido |

    Vero, il commento di Luttazzi è molto interessante, vale la pena riportarne la conclusione:
    “Il marketing di Grillo ha successo perchè individua un bisogno profondo: quello dell’agire collettivo. Senza la dimensione collettiva, negata oggi dallo Stato e dal mercato, l’individuo resta indifeso, perde i suoi diritti, non può più essere rappresentato, viene manipolato. E’ questo il grido disperato che nessuno ascolta. La soluzione ai problemi sociali, economici e culturali del nostro Paese può essere solo collettiva.”

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