Geothermal carnival

In the comments to a previous post, a noteworthy conversation emerged about the apparently enormous opportunity for exploiting geothermal energy in Italy. Alex Roe prompts me to spread the word about this issue, and Prime Minister’s plans for reintroducing nuclear plants in Italy – the best I can do is to share some resources I’ve recently read.

In Italian:

  • an explanation of how EGS (Enhanced Geothermal Systems) work, as compared with 2nd-generation (Hot Dry Rock) and 1st-gen (Hydrothermal) geothermal systems;
  • a consideration about state-of-the-art drilling technology and relevant consequences about geothermal exploitation, on Beppe Caravita’s blog;
  • Enhanced Geothermal Systems Association – Associazione Italiana Sistemi Geotermici Avanzati;
  • Geotermia, il potenziale italiano – an article on Il Sole 24 Ore – 20.08.2008;
  • an interview with Google’s Katy Bacon about their EGS plan on Beppe Caravita’s nòva page about renewables (along with lots of other interesting stuff).

In English


[Image: the new administrative office of the German élite university RWTH Aachen, featuring a 2,510-meter geothermal energy creating drilling rig and a heat exchanger in the foundations that will control central heating and air conditioning through a closed water cycle. The project, sponsored by AMB Generali
Holding, has been recently recognised as one of the "best LIFE environment projects 2007-2008" by the EU Environment Directorate General – Source: Generali Group News – n.7, September]