I was wrong… but I’m not alone
I must admit: despite wishing it, I didn't believe that I would easily come across an example of fact-checking Italian journalism. But then I remembered a very good article, pointing out (and ruthlessly...
I must admit: despite wishing it, I didn't believe that I would easily come across an example of fact-checking Italian journalism. But then I remembered a very good article, pointing out (and ruthlessly...
PolitiFact is a project of the St. Petersburg Times and Congressional Quarterly to help you find the truth in the presidential campaign. Every day, reporters and researchers from the Times and CQ will...
I have already written about the theft of contents by a local newspaper, copying posts from some news blogs (which are, by the way, registered journals of their own). To tell the truth, the source is mentioned...
I am a bit disappointed with the lack of vital reactions among Italian online newspapers to the Financial Times article about women in advertising. I have read some responses, but they mostly fell within...
I always took for granted that, if reading a book review on a newspaper, I could rely on the journalist and his measure in finding the right balance between what is worth saying about the synopsis, and...
I'd like this one to be an in-depth, thorough article and not a superficial blog post. It is hard to contradict Jakob Nielsen, the usability guru, even when he takes an unpopular stance and speaks against...
Ho letto su Lavoce.info un articolo che parla di blog, e ho apprezzato il tentativo di affrontare con metodo il compesso discorso dell'attendibilità e della reputazione. L'articolo è sicuramente rivolto...
Ora mi metto nei guai: devo dire la mia sul caso "Nokia/Domiziana Giordano". Parto da lontano. Pur non essendo un critico letterario (notate la finezza dell'argomentazione? mi sbilancio io stesso...
Non fanno più notizia, le ondate di caldo in sé. Forse perché l'attuale anomalia termica sembra perdurare da mesi. In questi giorni l'enfasi è piuttosto sulla possibilità di blackout dovuti alla domanda...
Dovrò stare attento a non perdermi il libro di Norman Lewis di cui parla Luca De Biase. Credo che sia importantissimo interrogarci sul modo in cui il rischio, in tutte le sue accezioni, sia diventato...
There is an interesting side effect of the expected broad success of the iPhone: becoming mainstream, like iPods (and unlike Macs) and thus making an old assumption fall:no one bothers to write a virus...