Privacy, smoking and navigation history

Sometimes I feel that disregarding privacy issues is a little bit like smoking – you know that it is somehow bad, but you don’t pay any immediate consequence. And, most of the time, it sounds like the opposite of boring.

Yes, I know that Google Chrome is faster and brilliant and hip. I just cannot trust them to go on not "being evil" with all that precious consumer data on their hands.

Of the 10 most annoying facts about Chrome, my choices are:

– importing passwords from Firefox without asking for permission;
– a confusing end-user-license-agreement;
– using words like "paranoia" and "conspiracy-theorist" to address those who are worried about privacy issues;

the others in the article seem a little far-fetched to me, but my overall feeling is that the deal is not worth the risk. I already trust Google with so much information about myself (disclosure: I use Google for non-professional email, a small set of online documents, RSS feeds reading and some web searches – and I am perfectly happy with them).