The Italian blogosphere, at a glance

1741 blogs and the links that describe their reciprocal linking relationships are depicted in the Social Network Analysis diagram drawn by Vincenzo Cosenza, based on data sampled by aggregators on the 500 most linked blogs in the last 6 months.

The greatest part of objections to this kind of analysis originate from the fact that the link is not a reliable measurement for relevance nor influence – but, at least, it provides a reasonable indicator of commitment in exposing a connection so, as long as it's a social analysis and is not misunderstood as if it were an indicator of something else, its results are meaningful.

[This blog doesn't belong to the graph: but if it did, it would be – rather correctly – up in the northeast, between Bora.La, orientalia4all and morbìn]

  • Enrica Garzilli |

    Did you see that blogs make science? The Social Science Research Council (US) said that (on my blog).

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